Progeria, a disease of this world

Progeria means premature aging. The average lifespan of children affected by rapid aging disorders is 21. The title protagonist of David Lindsey-Abaire’s play Kimberly Akimbo is 16. Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak plays the part in the Old Theatre’s production, whose director, Aleksandra Popławska, said:

Our production knits together detective, dramatic, and comic strands into a coherent whole, and the illness of the protagonist is merely a pretext for telling the story of a person who is lonely, excluded, lost, ambivalent, and full of contradictions – which is the story of each and all of us.

At the peculiar time of the COVID-19 pandemic, an extraordinary production of an extraordinary play premiered at the Old Theatre – a delicate, metaphorical tale of a world where everyone has an impossibility they must grapple with.


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