The curse of the curtain

Theatre curtain (belonging to an amateur theatre in Lviv), black and white photograph, 1937, collection of the Polish National Library.
Theatre curtain (belonging to an amateur theatre in Lviv), black and white photograph, 1937, collection of the Polish National Library.

The unexpectedly dropping curtain seemed to target certain individuals performing at what was then the Pantheon, as reported by Express Lubelski:

Recently, a Jewish operetta troupe visited Lublin. Its shows had to be stopped, and not because of poor attendance or financial difficulties but…, who would have believed it, because of… the curtain. The curtain incessantly troubled the troupe, dropping on the heads of the artists at the wrong time.

On one occasion, at a rally of the Bund in the Pantheon, the unlucky curtain suddenly dropped right onto the head of the speaker, councillor and Bund leader Erlich, knocking him down. The rally had to be stopped, and the Bund leader was attended to by doctors present in the meeting.

The following evening, during the anniversary celebration of Jewish theatre in Poland, held at the Pantheon, the curtain again dropped on the head of the speaker, Mr Zylbercwajg, giving him a painful blow. He had to be driven home from the theatre.


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