A Woman’s Time

To celebrate his 70th birthday and the 45th anniversary of creative work, Leszek Mądzik, the founder of the renowned theatre Visual Arts Stage of the Catholic University of Lublin, prepared an extraordinary gift for the audience of The Old Theatre. Together with Anna Maria Jopek, he created an emotional stage performance for image, voice, light, sound, and the body. Jopek described the experience thus:

Working with Leszek Mądzik is metaphysical. As I sing, I do not employ a single word. There is only the sound. It holds all the emotions. Even my movements, gestures, originate in the sound. We created the music together with bassist Robert Kubiszyn, but the themes are just a starting point for improvisation. It is astonishing how strongly image affects sound, how inspired and stimulated I am by light, how many hidden emotions it evokes.


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