Lublin inspirations of The Books of Jacob

“Battles over culture” and “Battles over literature”, two series of debates regularly held at The Old Theatre since 2012, have enjoyed much popularity. They have featured eminent artists, scientists, and practitioners of culture in its various aspects and guises. Members of the audience have been important partners in the debates, taking up vigorous discussions with the guests and sometimes passionately objecting to their points. But even such a fine audience was taken aback to hear Olga Tokarczuk say, during the 17 February 2015 “Battle over Literature”, that Lublin was where the future Nobel laureate had found inspiration for The Books of Jacob:

I first came upon mentions of Jacob Frank some time in the mid-1990s, when I read a very interesting text by Jan Doktór, the original of which is here in Lublin – The Book of the Lord’s Words. It fascinated me, there was an incredible story emerging from it.


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