Cinema name for a pen and pencil

On 18 June 1954, the Sztandar Ludu daily wrote:

Just before the 10th-anniversary celebrations of the formation of the Polish Committee of National Liberation, the editorial board of Sztandar Ludu and the Regional Board of Cinema in Lublin are holding a competition with prizes to come up with the most relevant and Lublin-related names for the Apollo and Rialto cinemas. The filmgoer is the host at the cinema, and so, together with the substantial audience of both cinemas, we wish to establish new names for them. We have received considerable feedback from filmgoers, who say that the people of Lublin do not accept the current names and would like to replace them with ones that express their affection for the city of Lublin with its rich tradition of progressive thought.

As a result of the competition, the Rialto cinema changed its name after over twenty years. On Thursday 22 July 1954, it became the Staromiejskie [Old Town] Cinema. The author of the winning entry was awarded with a fountain pen and a pencil.


Wpisz poniżej wyszukiwaną frazę, po czym wciśnij przycisk "Szukaj".


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