Arthouse cinema off the beaten track

Meeting with a writer, Staromiejskie cinema, Danuta Połoncarz (first on the left), manager of the Staromiejskie, 1970s, collection of Danuta Połoncarz.
Meeting with a writer, Staromiejskie cinema, Danuta Połoncarz (first on the left), manager of the Staromiejskie, 1970s, collection of Danuta Połoncarz.

On Sunday 18 October 1970, the Old Town Cinema was showing The Virgin Spring (dir. Ingmar Bergmen, 1960). The film had only recently come to Polish screens, a decade after its premiere, and there were very few copies, destined especially for arthouse cinemas. There were no other films on, but The Virgin Spring was showing as much as five times a day: at midday, at 2 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm! A Sztandar Ludu reporter, using the byline (Kaz), wrote:

For a while now I have watched the transformation of the Old Town Cinema, whose certain demise has been expected for some time. It metamorphosed from a wreck into a nice, cosy venue in which to meet the Tenth Muse. Spotlessly clean and spruced up, after a recent renovation, it has an air of an old-time cinema. All of this attract filmgoers; the Old Town Cinema has its regular, and constantly growing, audience.

The Old Town Cinema persistently sought to reinvent itself and establish itself on the city’s cultural map. 


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