Danuta Szaflarska sounds the gong

As The Old Theatre’s resumption of activity was being celebrated on 11 March 2012, Danuta Szaflarska observed that a theatre should be equipped with a gong, the sounding of which would open every event. The management, specifically Managing Director Karolina Rozwód, took notice and soon the theatre obtained a gong. The first person to sound it was Szaflarska herself, celebrating on 1 October 2012 the beginning of weekly film screenings. The first screening was a preview of the documentary Inny Świat [Another World] (dir. Dorota Kędzierzawska, 2012), featuring Danuta Szaflarska as… Danuta Szaflarska. The actress said:

A gong in a theatre is magic. One cannot deprive a theatre, especially such an extraordinary theatre, of this magic. Thank you for making my dream and my wish come true.

The instrument, the visits and the backing of Danuta Szaflarska provided the impulse for establishing the yearly Śleboda/Danutka Festival at the theatre.


Wpisz poniżej wyszukiwaną frazę, po czym wciśnij przycisk "Szukaj".


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