Earliest images

16. Newspaper illustration depicting old theatres of Lublin, the interior of the Makowski Theatre seen in the upper part, and the entire building in the lower part, “Biesiada Literacka” 1901.
Newspaper illustration depicting old theatres of Lublin, the interior of the Makowski Theatre seen in the upper part, and the entire building in the lower part, “Biesiada Literacka” 1901.

1871, 1872, 1900

There are few extant visual representations of the Makowski theatre: the modest structure did not attract the attention of painters, illustrators, or photographers; while relatively many playbills and press reports survive, along with an extensive account-cum-chronicle by Stanisław Krzesiński, there are almost no images of the theatre’s interior. Therefore, the two calendars – for 1871 and 1872 – and the 1900 drawing from the Biesiada Literacka illustrated weekly that do survive are something of an archival treasure. They show images of artists, scenes from performances, and other priceless details. The central character in the 1871 calendar is Paweł Ratajewicz, the then managing director of the enterprise. The 1872 calendar gives a clear and detailed view of the interior and the furnishings. The Biesiada Literacka drawing shows the interior, the curtain, and importantly, the motto of the theatre – RIDENDO CASTIGAT MORES (Latin: laughing, [it] corrects mores) – placed by the proprietors above the stage.


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