“Bandits in Hell”, take one

Playbill for the play Bandits in Hell, 1860, collection of the State Archive in Lublin
Playbill for the play Bandits in Hell, 1860, collection of the State Archive in Lublin.

To showcase the technical capabilities of the stage in Jezuicka Street, Stanisław Krzesiński, a member of a troupe performing in the theatre, wrote a play deliberately filled with special effects. Describing the experience, he was more than a little self-critical:

Krajewski Aleksander was not half bad as an artillerist, so he suggested I write a play in which he could show off his pyrotechnics. “Fine”, I thought, I’m going to give the audience everything they like in one go”. So, I wrote a melodrama in three acts and eight images, with a new stage design, fireworks, singing, choirs, and battles, Bandits in Hell. The first three images were indeed artfully written and engaged the viewers immensely […]. But the remaining ones, where fiction was necessary to introduce the bandits to hell, were not nearly as involving.

Bandits in Hell would return to the same stage in Lublin in 2017.


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